Jan 17, 2014 "To ensure the safety of those living above the Groningen natural gas field, we are reducing production in those areas most at risk and limiting. Feb 19, 2015 The debate over the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands is heating up ahead of provincial elections in March. In a move to appease. Mar 2, 2015 The world. s 10th largest gas field, Groningen is expected to supply the bulk of the Netherlands. annual gas needs of 20-30 billion cubic meters.
The Groningen gas field is a giant natural gas field located near Slochteren in Groningen province in the northeastern part of the Netherlands. Discovered in. properties of gas and oil reservoirs in the Netherlands, in particular the Groningen gas field, are discussed in more detail. Based on the reservoir parameters.

Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) to predict the subsidence caused by the extraction of gas at the Groningen gas field. Our review is based on information from. Jan 20, 2014 The Dutch government has announced the reduction of natural gas production at Groningen gas field located near Slochteren in Groningen.
Arguments intensify over Groningen gas field, Newsbase
The Netherlands is renowned for its giant Groningen gas field, which contains about 100 TCF of gas (figure 1) and has a total life expectancy of about 100 years Feb 18, 2015 AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The dangers caused by gas extraction at the massive Groningen field were ignored for years by operators 2/18/2015.
European Gas Rises to 6-Week High as Netherlands Cap
Feb 18, 2015 Production from giant Groningen natural gas field in the Netherlands might be further curtailed in response to public concern about. North West European L gas system under the decline of Groningen. system produced from the Groningen field, this future decline has put down questions. Paleostress analysis of the Groningen gas field, the by direct fault plane measurements in the field, in quarries or in mines, which leads to a relative under.
Jul 5, 2013 The Groningen gas field is the largest natural gas field in Europe. While it has been exploited for almost 50 years, earthquakes are now. Feb 10, 2015 First-half gas production from Groningen, Europe. s biggest field, will be limited to less than half of the cap announced in December for the.
Feb 20, 2015 The Groningen field lies under a 900 square-kilometre area in the northern part of the Netherlands. Gas field photo via Shutterstock.
Another cut seen in Groningen gas output - Oil & Gas Journal
About the project. Since opening in 1959 the Groningen gas field has been upgraded over the years with various "minor" renovations keeping the site going until. My Youtube Channel ·. Find me on Facebook. News: Groningen Gas Field. 2 1 ·. 3 4 ·. Twitter ·. Digg ·. Facebook ·. Delicious ·. StumbleUpon. © Khurram Tanvir. Mar 27, 2013 Pressure has grown on the Dutch government to slow or halt production, but it is loath to do so: The Groningen field is important for both.
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