Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Fancybox iframe size wordpress

Nov 12, 2012 We. re going to be using the incredible fancyBox jQuery plugin Difficulty: Beginner. Length: Quick. Tags: Theme Development, WordPress, jQuery. or Vimeo) and giving it a class of video and fancybox. iframe, like so. Feb 17, 2014 An iFrame is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, Easily enable the FancyBox jQuery extension on just about all media links. Http://wordpress. org/support/topic/plugin-fancybox-for-wordpress-iframe-resize It is used to display the google doc viewer and I wanted it to resize the iframe.

Dec 2, 2010 Fancybox is an easy solution to this, checkout the demo to see how clean. else if ($videosite == Youtube) { echo.

auch interessant