Donnerstag, 27. März 2014

Fancybox iframe scrolling not working

And then remove in css on the fancybox content the overflow atrribute. I had a similar problem, with vertical scrollbars appearing when I set a maxWidth in the. Jan 21, 2015 (theme folder). The scroll problem can be fixed injs/jquery/plugins/fancybox/ jquery. fancybox. js. find: iframe"===c&&s&&(d. scrolling="scroll"). Fancybox runtime Resizing of iframe for those who use fancy box and iframe inside any ideas also, i want to send to the parent. fancybox. any clues How is this script not dynamic it. s will only not work to dynamically resize.

We. re having an issue, where an iframe inside a popup won. t scroll in Safari 6 and Try scrolling with mousewheel, it shouldn. t work, but it will work by scrolling with This is because Safari DOES NOT setFocus to iframe once it loads meaning. it reminded me of Fancybox. s touch scroll issue for iframes hence the css I. d. and iframe scrolling for iOS * Updated markup, new element. fancybox-skin. is not working * Fixed #80 - does not work on IE6 * Fixed #72 - can. t set overlay.

Using an HTML page to pop up. I have created one and it. s working on my android and in browser, but on the iPhone and IPad, the page popping up is not scrolling down. fancybox-inner { - webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch. Mar 8, 2013 That overflow-y: scroll. is in place so that any vertical resizing of the Thanks, JFK, the last source code solved the problem without the use of.

Fancy Box width - general terms - Configuring & using

Mar 13, 2013 No sign-up required. Have you tried using the iframe version of your form with scrolling attribute set to "auto" You can use the following I see on your web page that you. re using fancybox to use as lightbox. Can you add. A simple boilerplate to using the Fancybox jQuery plugin to open iframe in a lightbox.

Issue 100 - fancybox - inline content provided by an iframe

Nov 23, 2010 Using Fancybox and a lil jQuery we can expand the map right over your webpage. The problem was that the contact page already had a ton of content. scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="Put iFrame. On my actual portfolio page, using an iFrame link, I can easily force HD video by appending "rel=0&vq=hd720" to my URL. I LOVE your work. It seems to me that the code calling fancybox should specify no overflow when displaying. The plugin can also work from the **/mu-plugins/** folder where it runs quietly in The FancyBox 1.3.4 script that is used in this plugin was not developed with mobile. NEW Options: iFrame scrolling, autoScale, key navigation/close, cyclic.

Examples show Fancybox and Colorbox implementations. Due to AJAX-ZOOM license issues the iFrame source should be from the same If you are going to use a different lightbox make sure to remove the scrollbars from the iframe. Jan 20, 2011 Had this exact problem but didn. t realize it was the iframe that was the problem. I searched for "fancybox div not loading second time", "fancybox inline content not loading inside" to b(window).unbind("resize. fb scroll. fb").

I am struggling to get a search form in PHP to work with a fancybox iFrame. The search form queries a MySQL database and I want the results.

How to integrate Fancybox and Google Maps - WebDesign&Such

When you use the fancybox iframe for your link in the popup page, it will change the code, if i change the code popup menu also not working. May 18, 2012 Previously, the “overflow:scroll.” css property did not work, and it still does not. User csdco (https://github. com/fancyapps/fancyBox/issues/2#. Facebook share button in fancybox not working. Vote Up. 0 scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none. overflow:hidden. width:110px. height:23px.".

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