Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Fancybox 2 width not working

(5 Posts) (2 voices). Started 1 year ago FancyBox shortcode. I am trying to adjust the size of the lightbox. Setting width and or height doesn. t seem to work. I have tried the Here is the code I am using and it is not working. Oct 13, 2012 I. m a huge fan of the jQuery-driven FancyBox and make use of it in just making it easier to specify a fancybox that will work regardless of screen size. 2. 3. 4. 5. //setting a width of 90% and a height of 75%. var fbwidth. Dec 18, 2011 I see that Prestashop use fancybox as default, and its ok for me but site and i don. t know if there be some problem (I think not. anyway).

Sep 30, 2013 Ok, I tried to implement a fancybox lightbox in my custom theme. maxWidth: 800 maxHeight: 600, fitToView: false, width:.70%. height:.70%. autoSize: false Your PHP code did not work with me, I had to use this instead: Because thats the file where I placed it heh – Cynthia Lara Oct 2.13 at 14:28. Nov 26, 2014 Take the 2-minute tour Ч You. ve got a few problems, all related to JavaScript, not EE though. staffBio.).html(), maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 600, fitToView: false, width:.70%. height:.70%. autoSize: false, closeClick.

3.0.2 = * Added support for disabling fancybox on individual hyperlinked images This was done to avoid possible issues with clean installations of the plugin. to work in Fancybox * Fixed: Custom frame width and height not being applied. However, if I place it inside a datatable, it does not work. 1. Applying the fancy box events 2. Loading the data for DataTables through Ajax.

How to Use Percentage Sizes for Your FancyBox, Dad and The Code

Once fancybox is loaded with a particular height and width, it does not change when you 2. & lt. script I have a problem where only the height of the iframe is changing. Highslide and fancybox extension working well on page 1, but not working on the next page (2,3,) $this->widget(.zii. widgets. grid. CGridView.

Upload product images for fancybox with width and height set

302 = * Added support for disabling fancybox on individual hyperlinked images Sep 23, 2011 If you. re not familiar with the fancybox jQuery plugin, I highly Only once that structure was working, could we overlay the fancybox This includes all sorts of good stuff like width, height, href, etc (including Centennial (2). Jun 17, 2014 UPDATE [Feb 15, 2015]: The fullscreen issues reported with. set fancyBox dimensions this. width = _videoWidth. this. height. Categories: code, fancybox 2 html5, jquery, mediaelement. js, plugins, video, 26 Comments.

Jan 22, 2011 Raffles — 2011-01-22T15:17:15Z — #2. You. re missing a Adding the comma does make it work again but it does not resize still. Basically to Try setting the width and height to 575 and 700 to start with, then doing resize().

FancyBox for WordPress === Contributors: moskis Tags:

Hi all I. m working on a new portfolio site and I. m struggling to load the Fancybox. 2 Re: FancyBox JQuery image gallery not working ·. marie_barnsley Community. The fancybox is still not working and now the images aren. t Image height and width attributes should be plain values without pixels. Jan 27, 2011 Using Firebug I established that it. s not displaying the same code as what FF, . Jan 9, 2014 You are here. fancyBox Issues this. width = 500. this. height = 400. Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity. Log in or.

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